Launch of the International Projects Competition for the Statue of King Michael

On the 25th of October, 2020, we are officially launching the International Sculpture Contest, where visual artists will compete to create a statue of the King Michael I wearing the Romanian Field Marshall uniform. The ceremony will take place  at 11 AM in the King’s Plaza, in Bucharest.   

Members  of  Her Majesty’s House Association along with members of Peles Royal Heritage Association will be attending the event, and so will the Rector of the „Ion Mincu” University  of  Architecture and Urbanism, Marian Moiceanu PhD and the Prorector of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Florin Stanica PhD. Also joining the event will be Mr. Ion Tuca, vice-president and chief executive of Peles Royal Heritage Association. And last, but not least, in attendance there will also be Valentin Tanase, the artist who created the King’s Plaza’s bust, which was inaugurated in the presence of King Michael, in the year 2012. 

The Peles Royal Heritage Association invites you to watch the live event on its facebook page

The statue of King Michael I is a homage to the life and personality of he who was a monument of verticality and self sacrifice during the Second World War and the Communist period of exile, and he who loved his country and his people until his very last breath. 

This statue will be placed in Sinaia according to the agreement signed by the Peles Royal Heritage Association, the Sinaia City Hall, and the Ministry of Culture and will be unveiled on the 100th anniversary of the King’s birthday. 

King’s Michael statue represents the Peles Royal Heritage Association’s most important project. The association was founded in 2019 and its mission is to protect and revitalize the Peles royal estate while promoting its heritage internationally.

In order to participate in the preselection phase of the contest, visual artists may send their sketch proposal while following the guidelines published on the association’s website. 


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Prin intermediul APPRP, toți cei care apreciază valoarea monumentelor de arhitectură și a patrimoniului natural pot contribui la efortul de reconstrucție, întreținere și dezvoltare a acestora.