Vila Șipot, cunoscută și sub numele de „Casa Arhitecților”, parte a domeniului regal Peleș-Sinaia, a fost redeschisă după ample lucrări de restaurare inițiate de Asociația pentru Patrimoniul Regal Peleș. Clădirea istorică a servit drept atelier și locuință pentru arhitectul Karel Liman, și are, acum, ca punct de atracție, un spațiu expozițional unic – ”Galeria Arhitecților Peleșului”.
The Sipot Villa, also known as the „House of the Architects” and as the place where the Peles Castle project was born, has undergone renovations and consolidation works, and at the end of this year, it will officially re-enter the cultural and tourist circuit of Romania.
The main attraction of the historical monument is the Peles Architects Gallery, a unique exhibition space dedicated to the architects who built and developed the royal domain.
As part of the restoration project, the consolidation works of the building have been completed, as well as the replacement of the thermal and electrical plumbing installations, and the restoration of the structural frame of the space of the Peles Architects Gallery.